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Mission & Philosophy

three female students sitting on bench smiling


The Walden School ignites intellectual curiosity and fosters independence in a peaceful, respectful culture.


To create a diverse and engaged school community by promoting and sharing the Montessori educational philosophy and the values of peace, empathy, inclusivity, and stewardship.  



The Walden School’s Montessori based philosophy ensures that all children are successful. Children are led to discover their innate ability to learn, thus building independence, self-confidence, and inner discipline. The Walden School believes in the principles of promoting acceptance and inclusivity, embracing diversity, and inspiring human progress toward peace and harmony.

The Montessori Preschool/Kindergarten is most comprehensively described as freedom in a prepared environment. Following the principles of order, beauty, and simplicity, this environment is prepared with materials designed by Maria Montessori to accommodate each developmental stage. Children learn according to their own periods of interest and readiness. While there is respect for the child’s individualism, the environment in which he operates is well structured, providing opportunities for active learning, development of self-discipline, building of self-confidence, and responsible social behavior.

The Walden School’s elementary and middle school embraces a guiding philosophy that blends Montessori values with 21st century skills. Students in the elementary and middle school program at Walden are active participants in their learning as teachers consistently create and re-create to individualize instruction in a responsive and respectful classroom community. Children move naturally between independence and inter-dependence as needed and are consistently challenged to achieve their best. Active participation in the community prepares students to participate as critically thinking and caring citizens of the ever-changing world.

The guiding principles of collaboration and peaceful conflict resolution ready Walden students to be leaders in the 21st century. Teaching and learning at Walden is joyful and engaging. Students who graduate are confident, responsible, and love learning.